
Types of Hearing Loss

There are four basic types of hearing loss:

Conductive Hearing Loss: caused by problems in the outer and/or middle ear.  This type of hearing loss may be permanent or temporary.  It can often times be medically or surgically corrected.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss: caused by problems in the cochlea and/or inner ear.  This is a permanent type hearing loss that usually cannot be medically or surgically corrected.

Mixed Hearing Loss: a combination of Conductive and Sensorineural hearing loss.

Central Auditory Processing Disorder: a condition where auditory signals are not processed by the brain.  The child can “hear” sound, but cannot understand what is being heard.  The child’s peripheral mechanisms are working, but the information does not reach the brain in a typical or efficient manner.

Degrees of hearing loss:

There are several degrees of hearing loss, ranging from mild to severe. 
It is possible to have hearing loss in only one ear (unilateral hearing loss)’” or in both ears (bilateral hearing loss).

The Scale of Hearing Loss:

-10 to 15 dB: Normal Hearing

16 to 25 dB: Minimal Hearing Loss

26 to 40 dB: Mild Hearing Loss

41 to 55 dB: Moderate Hearing Loss

56 to 70 dB: Moderately Severe Hearing Loss

71 to 90 dB: Severe Hearing Loss

91 +  dB: Profound Hearing Loss

The following is an example of the ability of the brain to hear speech with a hearing loss:

 A child may “hear” some sounds, but not hear all the sounds they need to in order to understand. 

Below are possible impacts hearing loss may have on understanding language and speech:

26-40 dB Hearing Loss:

  • Greater listening difficulties than a “plugged-ear” hearing loss.
  • Child can “hear” but misses fragments of speech leading to misunderstandings.
  • At 30 dB hearing loss child can miss up to 25-40% of speech signal.
  • At 40 dB child may miss 50% of classroom discussions.
  • Often experiences difficulty learning early reading skills such as letter/sound associations.

56-70 dB Hearing Loss:

  • Without amplification, a 55 dB hearing loss can cause a child to miss up to 100% of speech information.
  • If hearing loss is not identified and appropriately managed before child is one year of age, it is very likely for child to have delayed spoken language, syntax, reduced speech intelligibility and flat voice quality.
  • The age at which amplification begins, consistency of hearing aid use and early language intervention is strongly tied to the success of speech, language and learning development.

Suggestions For Speech and Language Development of Children with Middle Ear Problems and/or Hearing Loss:

Look: Look directly at your child’s face and wait until you have his/her attention before you begin talking.

Loudness:  Talk slightly louder than you normally do.  Turn off the radio, TV, dishwasher, etc. to reduce background noise.